Ted Zourntos: LEFTOVERS
Opening Reception: Thursday January 16 (7-11pm)
Exhibition Dates: January 16 – 22, 2014
“Novelty is a new kind of loneliness.”
— Wendell Berry
Ted’s most recent work entitled Leftovers, investigates the potential of juxtaposition to question notions of value in contemporary consumer culture. Animal specimens, plastic flowers and fruit, food, dollar store finds, antiques, and miscellaneous objects are brought together through formal means to subvert any perceived value they may have as individual artifacts.
Although his inspiration is drawn from 17th century Dutch masterworks, he not interested in celebrating the fruits of a burgeoning merchant class. His paintings seek to tap into the psychological and cultural characteristics of objects so as to gain a deeper insight into the state of the subconscious during a time of economic and environmental crisis.
Ted Zourntos is a practicing artist working in Toronto and has exhibited his works internationally. He is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design and received a Masters of Fine Art degree from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Currently Ted Zourntos is a Professor within the Faculty of Animation Arts and Design at Sheridan College and has authored various articles on Drawing and Art Education.