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 Group sHow: i do not know where this belongs

"Cultural identity, in this sense, is a matter of 'becoming' as well as 'being'. It belongs to the future as much as to the past. It is not something which already exists, transcending place, time, history and culture.” –Stuart Hall

I DO NOT KNOW WHERE THIS BELONGS is an investigation into the limitations and boundaries established by the act of translation. Navigating the liminal and transitory space between languages and cultures, six emerging Toronto-based artists interpret the fluid nature of perception.

Through both didactic and abstract representations of translation, members of the OKAY Collective explore notions of communication and belonging, and the inevitable breakdown of information that occurs through transformation. By specifically deconstructing or alternately simulating traditional narratives, the artists examine the intricacies and fallibilities of translation through a cultural perspective.

By employing varied mediums, the disintegration of language and meaning is further enforced. The array of approaches seeks to create a dialogue between the flexibility and confines of transformed information, while situating the conversation in the realm of possibility.


Sebastián Benítez
Bryan Bermúdez
Chad Gauthier
Greg McCarthy
Phuong Nguyen
Sonet Providence