Brett Despotovich: Chordata
Opening Reception: February 4, 6-10pm Exhibition Dates: Thursday, February 4 – Sunday, February 21
Chordata is an exhibition of new drawings by Brett Despotovich which investigate resonance and interference, harmony and discord. Continuing with the direction of his previous exhibitions (the fall) (2014) and Black is the Ultimate, Black Eclipses Everything (2015), the work in chordata is informed by the intersecting points of his scientific and mythological interests.
We would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.
Born in Toronto, Ontario in 1982, Despotovich studied at OCADU (2001-05), followed by his involvement with the production of FLicKeR, a multi-award winning feature-length NFB/BRAVO! documentary directed by Nik Sheehan.
His debut solo exhibition (the fall) was reviewed by Benjamin Bruneau for Magenta Magazine, and he has work held in private collections in Europe, the United States, and Canada, notably the Sobey Collection.